
Investigating Olfactory neuroblastoma| What is Olfactory neuroblastoma

 Olfactory Neuroblastoma

 What is Olfactory neuroblastoma?

Actually it is a tumor that spread in the nasal cavity.  Nerves and tissues which are present in nasal cavity for smell are also affected by it. It starts in nasal cavity and reach to eyes and brain. 

                    It is malignant tumor. If not treated early, it will reach your lungs, neck and bones.

Olfactory neuroblastoma

Is it common or not?.....

           Well, it is not a common tumor, it is  very rare. According to the survey it effects 1 person out of 2.5 million. It can produce at any ages  but it is mostly seen in people of 50 to 70 years.

It's symptoms and Diagnosis?

If you have following symptoms you must see a doctor. 

Bleeding from nose.

Loss of smell (cannot sense smell).

Difficult breathing throught the nose.


To Diagnosis this Doctor take some tests like CT,MRI, and X-ray. These are actually use to see where is exact tumor, its size and it effects other organs or not.

Biopsy is also needed to see if the tumor is Olfactory neuroblastoma or other. Through biopsy doctor take a sample from nose and send it to the pathology department. 

How it is treated?

Surgery: neurosurgeons will perform a surgery to remove tumor.

After surgery chemotherapy and radiotherapy is also needed for proper treatment. 

How it forms: ??

It forms may be due to change is chromosome no 2,6,7 and 20.

It's survival rate is 50 to 90% 

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