
Endoscopy | Types of endoscopy | Is endoscopy painfull | what disease can detected by endoscopy everything is prensent in it

 Endoscopy &Types of endoscopy. Is endoscopy painfull.What disease can detected by endoscopy. What are the reasons for endoscopy. everything is prensent in it.


According to the research

A medical procedure which use any type of endoscope is called endoscopy.

Doctor examing patient using endoscope

An endoscope is a medical device which is used for exploratory diagnostics,and for surgical purposes. Endoscopes are used to explore the internal organs of human body. Because it has small size,it is inserted through mouth and thus eliminates the invasive surgery. The endoscopes used to examine stomach, bladder and throat are called Gastroscope, Cytoscope and Bronchoscope. 

Types of endoscope:

Approved by the Cancer.Net Editorial Board, 06/2019

Doctors used endoscope for diagnosis of diseases in the following body parts.









Manner: Anoscopy

Tool: Anoscope

Organs: Anus and/or rectum

How to reach: Inserted through the anus


Tool: Arthroscope

Area: Joints

How to reach: Inserted via a small incision over the joint


Tool: Bronchoscope

Organs or area : Trachea, or windpipe, and the lungs

How to reach: Inserted through the mouth


Tool: Colonoscope

Organ or area: Entire length of the colon and large gut

How to reach: Inserted via the anus


Tool: Colposcope

Organ or area: Vagina and cervix

How to reach: Placed on the vagina’s opening after a device called a speculum dilates the vagina. It isn't inserted inside the body.

Manner: Cystoscopy

Tool: Cystoscope

Organ or area: Inside of the bladder

How to reach: Inserted via the urethra

Manner: Esophagoscopy

Tool: Esophagoscope

Organ or area: Esophagus

How to reach: Inserted through the mouth


Tool: Gastroscope

Organ or area: Stomach and duodenum, that is the start of the small intestine

How to reach: Inserted via the mouth

Manner: Laparoscopy

Tool: Laparoscope

Organ or area: Stomach, liver, or different stomach organs, together with girl reproductive organs, such as the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes

How to reach: Inserted thru a small, surgical commencing in the abdomen

Manner: Laryngoscopy

Tool: Laryngoscope

Organ or area: Larynx, or voice field

How to reach: Inserted via the mouth

Manner: Neuroendoscopy

Tool: Neuroendoscope

Organ or area: Areas of the mind

How to reach: Inserted via a small incision inside the skull

Manner: Proctoscopy

Tool: Proctoscope

Organ or area: Rectum and sigmoid colon, that is the bottom part of the colon

How to reach: Inserted through the anus

Manner: Sigmoidoscopy

Tool: Sigmoidoscope

Organ or area: Sigmoid colon

How to reach: Inserted thru the anus

Manner: Thoracoscopy

Tool: Thoracoscope

Organ or area: Pleura, which can be the 2 membranes covering the lungs and lining the chest cavity, and systems masking the heart

How to reach: Inserted via a small surgical starting in chest
Doctor is getting ready for endoscope

Disease which can be detected by endoscopy:

Gastroesophageal reflux ailment.
Cancer hyperlink.
Inflammation, or swelling.
Precancerous abnormalities such as Barrett's esophagus.
Celiac sickness.
Strictures or narrowing of the esophagus.

How it works?

The light shines of patient's organ that to be examined by entering one of the endscope fibre tubes. Then the light is transmitted back to the physician's viewing lens through the other fibre tube through total internal reflection. 

Different endoscopy pics

A flexible endoscope has a small camera which is attached to the end. Doctor can also see the view recorded by camera on the computer screen. 

Why Do I Need an Endoscopy?

Stomach ache.
Ulcers, gastritis, or issue swallowing.
Digestive tract bleeding.
Changes in bowel behaviour  (persistent constipation or diarrhea)
Polyps or growths inside the colon.

Is endoscopy painfull?

An endoscopy isn't generally painful, but it could be uncomfortable. Most humans most effective have slight pain, just like indigestion or a sore throat. The method is generally executed whilst you're unsleeping. You may be given a neighborhood anaesthetic to numb a specific area of your body.

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