
The Major categories of addictive drugs| Their role and effects|Narcotics,Sedatives and Hallocinogens

What are popular Narcotics and long term use of Hallocinogen. What are most common addictive drugs and the major categeries of addictive drugs.


The drugs which makes person depend on them or addictive is called addictive drug

Major catagories:

The following are essential classes of addictive pills




The friut of opium poppy plant morphine or codine narcotics


The sedative drugs affect the central nervous system to depress its activities.


Sedative drugs induce dizziness, lethargy, slow the functioning of brain and depression. Its long term use causes suicidal thoughts.


Narcotics drugs are strong painkillers. These drugs are often prescribed with other less potent painkiller (paracetamol or asprin). These are used to relieve pain for patient with chronic disorders(disease) such as cancer. These are also use for relieving acute  pain after operations. But unfortunately some people may use these drugs for ecstatic effects

Morphine and codine these are narcotics, get from opium (poppy) plant. Morphine directly effects central nervous system to relieve pain. Morphine has a excessive ability for dependancy.

The most common used narcotic is Heroin. It is a semi synthetic drug from morphine. It acts on central nervous system and causes drowsiness.


Hallucinogen are those drugs that causes change in perception,thought,emotion and consciousness. The group includes mescaline, which comes from cactus and psilocin, it is get from mashroom.

Physiologically, hallocinogens affect on the sympathetic nevous system which causes dilation of pupil of eyes ,constriction of some arteries and rise in blood pressure.

The palnts from which hallocinogens are obtained


It is also a hallocinogens,which is smoked. Its is get from the flowers,stems and leaves of the marijuana plant( Cannabis sativa and C.indica). Its small doses cause feeling of wel being that lasts two to three hours. Its high dose increase heart rate. It also affects the production of sperm in men and also weaken the short term memory.

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