
The Dengue Fever: its symptoms causes effects on body its treatment and more information about it including prevention

 What is Dengue fever?

Dengue fever is a viral infection transmitted through a mosquito Ades aegypti.

It has become a major health problem in trophical and sub trophical countries.

Dengue virus ades mosquito

Types of dengue fever:

There are four types of dengue virus:





Recovery from infection by one provide lifelong immunity against tye virus but provides no protection against infection by the other three virus.

According to WHO (World Health Organization)  there are 50 million dengue infections world wide every year, Now there are 2.5 billion people at risk of dengue virus.

How it spread?

The female Ades mosquito gets the virus when it bites the infected person. When an infected mosquito bites another person, virus enter his/her blood and attack white blood cells. Inside WBCs, virus again produce and destroy them. In sever cases, this virus affect the lover and bone marrow. As a result blood platelets production decrease and patient suffers from bleeding. 

Some symptoms:

Its symptoms include:

•High fever

•High headache

•Pain in the back side of eyes.

•Pain in muscles and joints and rashes

More information about dengue virus:

Sometimes dengue fever turns into dengue haemoorrhagic fever(DHF) or into dengue shock syndrome(DSS).DHF cause bleeding ,decrease platelets amount and blood plasma leak..


There is no immunization or treatment for dengue fever. Now there is one method of controling dengue virus is to check the spread of Ades mosquitoes.Ades aegypti

Grow primarily in the tanks (containers) of water. Discarded plastic tanks,used vhicles tyres and other items that collect rainwater.

How to control

The mosquite os control by proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage. Small fishes and crustaceans have also been used for killing the larvae of the mosquito. Isecticides sprays have not much power to kill the mosquito because sprays don't penetrate all habitats of adult mosquitoes

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