
The Antibiotics:Common antibiotics its uses effect types

What are antibiotics?

Antibiotics are the drugs that kill or work to stop bacteria growth.they are the chemicals produced by or drived from micro-organisms.....(Bacteria and Fungi)...

Antibiotic tablets

Anti-microbials are among the most habitually endorsed prescriptions in current medication.

•Bactericidal antibiotics and Bacteriostatics antibiotics:

Bactericidal Antibiotics:

The antibiotics that are used to kill the bacteria are called bactericidal antibiotics

e.g: Cephalosporin

Bacteriostatic antibiotics:

The antibiotics which are used to stop bacterial growth are called bacteriostatic Antibiotics.


Board spectrum antiobiotics and Narrow antibiotics:

Board spectrum antibiotics:

The antibiotics can be used to treat wide range of infections are known as board spectrum antibiotics

Narrow spectrum antibiotics:

The antibiotics which are only effective against a few types of bacteria are called  Narrow spectrum antibiotics.

Some informations about antibiotics:


Don't use the antibiotics which are already expired because these antiobiotics can cause Kidney damage.

When bacteria are exposed to the same antibiotics again and again, they can change and are no longer affected by the drugs.

Some common examples of antibiotics

There are some example of antibiotics:


                               Cephalosporin interfere with synthesis of bacterical cell wall and so are bactericidal.Cephalosporins are used to treat pneumonia,sore throat,tonsilitis,bronchitis and so on


                           Tetracyclines are board spectrum bacteriostatic antibiotics and inhabit bacterial protien synthesis.Tetracyclines are used in the treatment of infections of breathing tract,urinary tract,gut etc. Tetracyclines are not used in children under age of 8, and specially during period of development of tooth.


                             Sulpha drugs are synthetic antibiotics that contain sulfonamides group. Sulfonamides are board spectrum bacteriostatic antibiotics. They inhivit the folic acid synthesis in bacteria.They are used to deal with pneumonia and urinary tract infections.

The sulfonamide group is also present in other medications that are not antibiotics e.g: thiazide diuretics(medicine for lovering blood pressure)

First antibiotic:

Sir Alexander flemming who was scottish biologist. He discovered the first antibiotic penocilin from fungus penicilium notatum, for which he was awarded the nobel Prize in 1945

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