
Covid 19 Vaccine | Information about some Famous Vaccine of Covid 19 in the world

 Covid 19 Vaccine. Information about some Famous Vaccine of Covid 19 in the world including sinovac,pakvac,moderna,sinopharm,asterazeneca etc


The virus ( Covid-19 ) which is now becomes a headache for world is increasing day by day its cases increasing day by day but according to some researchs including my research it cycle lasts for 3 to 4 months and then it start decreasing. According to research in the hot temperature in Summer season the power of covid 19 get ristriction. Anyways today we are talking about different vaccines of covid 19. 

There are many vaccines available but we are only talk about some...

Covid 19 vaccine

Should we get vaccinate?

Today vaccination is very important for every has some side effects like fever for 2 to 5 days, headache, pain in body parts, feeling weakness, etc.
But it is not life taking but only 0.001℅ people died because of getting vaccinated. But i think it is only rumors. This news has no reality. So dont run away from it we should all get vaccinated.
Process of vaccination

So let discuss about some vaccines

1st. Sinovac Vaccine:

Sinovac vaccine is the most used vaccine specially in asia. This Vaccine is consist of 2 dose. Period is 4 weeks. Because one reseason is that it is very cheap or free.. This vaccine is made by China. Given to 18+ people. Has a good reaction...

2. Sinopharm Vaccine: 

Sinopharm os also created by China company which formed this vaccine is sinopharm...No more discussion about it..

3. Pfizer:

This (pfizer) vaccine is created by Germeny Company is BioNTECH. The vaccine is specially for (young) teen ages.( From 12 years to 16 year old.). Because the mode of action is not enough strong that it can cause any disease,disorder or problem in young boys and girls. According to my research I think all the countries aproved this Vaccine for teen agers..

4. Asterazeneca Vaccine: 

This asterazeneca vaccine is formed by Oxford in United kingdom (England). The vaccine is given to those poeple whose are facing severe Covid-19 ,and has a risk of increasing severe Covid-19, which also include obesity, cardic disordera and respiratory disease. According to new research this is considered the most effective vaccine against delta corona virus

5. PakVac Vaccine: 

The PakVac Vaccine is a vaccine which is made by Pakistan with the help of China its name change from Cansino Covid-19 Vaccine to PakVac and the company which made it is National institude of health (NIH) Islamabad. Under supervision of experts of China.

6. Johnson & Johnson Vaccine: 

The Johnson & Johnson Vaccine is made by Netherland and the company which made it is Janssen Vaccines. 

7. Moderna Vaccine: 

The Vaccine which is named as Moderna Vaccine is made by the company moderna in United States National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA). In some countries it has been banned. 

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