
Artifical Heart transplant | Artificial heart structure | the requirments of artificial heart,succes rate,cost and every information about it

Artifical Heart transplant. Artificial heart structure and the requirments of artificial heart,succes rate,cost and every information about it


What is artificial heart?  The artificial heart is device which can work like real heart and is used during heart transplantation temporary, and is also used when the transplantation of heart is not possible.(impossible). 


Patient must be younger than 69 age
•Patient should have last stage of cardial disease
•Patient should must have a prognosis which indicate a clear risk of mortality within one year whether transplantation of heart is not possible. 

First before discussing in detail question is that is human can survive with artificial heart?

Yes, a person can also survive with and artificial heart about 4.5 year. It is better than nothing. A human life is very pericious and if the transplantation of heart is not possible than it is considered as life saving. Its average time period is approximately 130 days but it can work for a long period. According to records a person who lifes with artifical heart life for longest time is about 5 years. 

Risks of the mechanical heart: 

There are some risks of mechanical heart( the artificial heart). Which includes. 
•Blood clots
•Bleeding Infection and 
•Device Malfunctions 

Gurudevan recomends more researchs to examine the use of artificial heart as a permanent heart solution for patients. Rather than transplantation of heart. 

Can a artificial heart replace the real thing? 

A simple mechanical heart could permanently replace a fail heart of human.  

Artificial heart is made up of :

It is made of segmented polyurethane solution. This material is very strong having best durability and is very unique. It is suitable to use inside the body. 

Success rate of Artifical transplant:

According to records 89 people got the mechanical heart. And its survival rate is about 79 perscent. But confidence is also needed for person for surgery of artificial heart. 

The structure of mechanical heart and working of mechanical heart:

The artificial heart takes place of lower chamber of the heart which is called ventricles. The tubes connect the mechanical heart to the power source which is present outside of body. The mechanical heart then pump the blood through the major artery of heart to the lung and rhe different parts of body. 

It has a major difference with natural heart. As the natural heart pumps the blood to the lungs and body parts at the same time but in case of artificial heart it replace the two ventricles and connect to the natural artrium. The artificial heart can force blood out of only one ventricle at a time. 

Who invented the mechanical heart:

Poul winchell said he was the first person who invent the artificial heart for the first time. And thad Dr. Robert Jarvik copies his idea made Jarvik heart. 

Cost of Artificial Heart...

The cost of artificial heart is lower $100000 to higher $300000. 

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